George’s jottings – Phase 2

Tip for the day

Never visit a barber’s next to a pie shop.


We are all addicts. We are all addicted to something.

Some people are addicted to moderation, some to abstinence.

Why not be like me and become addicted to addiction!


Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between love and addiction.

A man I knew said, ‘I love beer’. And I think he really did love beer.

It’s important to love something, to have the magic of love in your life.

Even if it’s only a love of beer, or McCains crinkly crisps.

But human love is best, not just the touch and feel of another being (although that is important, and often underestimated) but what has sometimes been called, rather grandiosely, ‘a meeting of souls’.

Still, as I say, physical contact is important.

I’m always in the market for a hug. I once spent two hours in Widnes market and never got one.

They say Bury market is good; I’m going to try there.


Talking of Love, people are always asking me about Anna. Where is she? What is she doing?

But I find it difficult to talk about her without being overwhelmed by that sense of sadness and regret (and guilt) that is always hovering in the dark recesses of my mind.

Of course, our tumultuous love affair has been well documented in my blog ‘George Says’, from our first meeting when Anna came from Sweden to work as an au pair at Wynorin, my old country house, to that sad day when she told me she was returning to her homeland. The house has gone now, as has my wife, Georgina.

But I don’t want to get into all that. Not with my depression and stuff. It’s all there – the good times too – if you want to read it.

We still keep in touch, Anna and me, in fact we still share our original e-mail address – And I look forward to the day when, I am sure, we will meet up again.

I will end this post here as I want to listen to some music by Rush, a band that was introduced to me by a good friend, who also told me about Neil Peart (the drummer) and his book ‘GHOST RIDER – Travels on the healing road.

I don’t normally give homework but here is a question:

If you could photoshop your life, which bits would you crop and which bits would you enhance?

Perhaps you’ve already done this.


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